Posts tagged mental health
2 Ways What You Eat Affects Your Mood

What’s the single, most powerful thing you can do every single day? Choose to eat well. You eat three, or more, times a day. Every time you put something in your mouth you make a choice about your health. Sometimes you make that choice consciously. More often you don’t. In the fourth and final instalment in the series, I’m covering the impact of nutrition and diet on mental health.

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What Self-Isolation Taught Me About Human Nature

Being in self-isolation has made me realise how vital and integral basic human communication is. Those short, meaningless chats with the cashier, the ‘good morning’ to the bus driver, the encouraging ‘I know how you feel' smile from a fellow mum with a crying baby are tiny moments of human connection that we take so much for granted.

In practicing social distancing, the whole world is experiencing how new mums feel in the early days of motherhood.

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