The Uncomfortable Truth About Sleep in Motherhood: Compromises You Need to Consider {7.12}

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In a society that expects mothers to immediately return to their pre-baby lives, a sleep-deprived co-sleeping, breastfeeding mother has to face some uncomfortable choices to make for her health, family and career.

When I first became pregnant I had already decided I was going to co-sleep, exclusively breastfeed and be 100% responsive to our baby.

I knew I'd be tired but I figured it was only for the short term. Besides, everyone knows being a mum is exhausting - it's just part of the job right?

It was only when I found myself struggling to contain my anger that I realised the lack of sleep had caught up with me and I wasn't coping.

Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm going to address a question that often comes up in the co-sleeping, anti-sleep training, extended breastfeeding world - and give a viewpoint on it that isn't often voiced and may even be unpopular.

"We can do what we can by being activists and lobbying for change and discussing equity and fairness with our partners, but it doesn't help right now."

In the episode you'll learn...

  • The 2 common reasons given as to why mums feel exhausted so often - and why they're not particularly helpful

  • The 5 areas of your life to optimise to help improve your sleep

  • The 2 things you might need to compromise on in this season of your life (these may be unpopular!)

Ultimately if we accept that it's only for a few years, that it's worth it to parent the way feels instinctive, then you're accepting that you will need to compromise something, whether that's your career, money or your health and wellbeing - short term and long term. ]

It's not an easy choice - and I think this will be an uncomfortable truth for many.

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