Posts in Eat
{13.9} Why You’re Always Forgetting Things (And What to Do About It)

Do you ever feel disengaged from your children? Find yourself hiding in the kitchen scrolling on your phone rather than spending quality time with your children? Feel like there's always things to do stopping you from being in the moment? This is what motherhood burnout looks like. In this episode I’m sharing what has helped me get out of that cycle – and how you can too.

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{13.3} How My Fussy Eater Started Eating Broccoli Again (No bribing, pleading or threats involved)

If you’ve got a fussy eater in your family, you know the struggle: endless refusals, creative sneaking tactics and a constant feeling of guilt that it's somehow your fault. In this episode, I share how my son went from a firm “no” to broccoli for four years to finally enjoying it again – without a battle.

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{12.8} The Empowered Menopause: Talking HRT, Perimenopause and Nutrition with Keris Marsden, Nutritional Therapist

This week I welcome Keris Marsden onto the show to talk about perimenopause and her Empowered Menopause Hub after she experienced early menopause in her late 30s and went on a journey of discovery around her health and wellbeing to uncover the best way to manage her symptoms so she could thrive instead of just surviving.

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{12.3} Gut Health 101: The Key to Immunity, Mood, and Wellbeing

Today I discuss the basics of gut health, including the cephalic phase of digestion and how to help it work properly, why chewing is important, what to eat for good digestion and gut health, akkermansia and how it helps the gut lining to avoid leaky gut and what a healthy poop looks like.

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