Posts tagged postnatal
What Every New Mum Needs to Know About Weight Loss

It takes nine months to grow a baby. Yet women often start thinking about ‘snapping back’ into shape within a few months or even a few weeks after birth. It drives me mad - the pressure and judgement and pure expectation that a woman can ‘get back’ to what she looked like before. Your body has likely changed beyond recognition, and may not return. It has done something amazing. Once you’ve had a chance to heal and recover, rebuild and restore, then, and only then, can you start thinking about losing excess fat. Here’s what every new mother needs to know about losing weight postpartum.

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Set Yourself Up for Breastfeeding Success

Breastfeeding challenges can take new mums by surprise; they are simply not prepared for how difficult breastfeeding can be. For many women who do stop breastfeeding early, much of the time the problem doesn’t lie in their beautiful body’s ability to produce breastmilk, but rather in lack of support and lack of knowledge of where to access good quality information, advice and support.

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Top 5 foods for breastfeeding

Getting into the habit of eating a variety of colourful food before baby arrives makes it less of an effort in those tired, busy days of being a mother. And the better you are able to feed yourself, the better you are able to feed your children as they grow, setting an example and paving a way for a whole future generation that eats well.

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