{8.6} Words of Motherhood: A Conversation on Journalling with Emma Cottam of Isabella and Us

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Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm welcoming Emma Cottam of Isabella and Us back onto the show. We last spoke on the podcast in October 2020 - we were deep into the first 6 months of the pandemic and looking ahead to a second lockdown. It was GRIM times indeed!

I decided to invite her back because she's recently started offering help establishing journalling practice, and this is something I've been working on - and struggling with! - recently so it seemed really great timing.

In our chat we talked about...

  • What journalling is  and how it differs from keeping a diary or a planner

  • The benefits of journalling and why it's so helpful for mums in transitional timee

  • Overcoming mindset blocks around perfectionism and challenging emotions that arise through journalling

  • What to do with journals once we've finished with them and the tricky conundrum of journals as a legacy

I enjoyed this chat so much - I basically treated it as a means to get all my sticky questions answered about journalling! I know I'm going to be joining her July Summer of Me month of journal prompts to keep up my journalling practice through the summer.

About Emma:

Emma Cottam is the Founder of Isabella and Us. and the Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums. She is a licensed Practical Magic™ Coach and Facilitator, Certified mBIT Coach, NLP Practitioner, writer, creative and magazine editor. She is on a mission to help mums thrive, re-awaken their magic, get creative and tune in to their intuition to live the life they want. 

Find Emma:

Website | Instagram | Facebook

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