3 Ways Stress Affects Your Health

Chronic levels of stress, caused by poor sleep, hunger, low levels of nutrients, a never-ending To Do list, becomes problematic, and over time these things add up. Many years down the line, ongoing, unrelenting stress could lead the body to burnout. Here are 3 common ways stress manifests in poor health and 8 coping strategies for new mums.

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What Self-Isolation Taught Me About Human Nature

Being in self-isolation has made me realise how vital and integral basic human communication is. Those short, meaningless chats with the cashier, the ‘good morning’ to the bus driver, the encouraging ‘I know how you feel' smile from a fellow mum with a crying baby are tiny moments of human connection that we take so much for granted.

In practicing social distancing, the whole world is experiencing how new mums feel in the early days of motherhood.

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Set Yourself Up for Breastfeeding Success

Breastfeeding challenges can take new mums by surprise; they are simply not prepared for how difficult breastfeeding can be. For many women who do stop breastfeeding early, much of the time the problem doesn’t lie in their beautiful body’s ability to produce breastmilk, but rather in lack of support and lack of knowledge of where to access good quality information, advice and support.

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Top 5 foods for breastfeeding

Getting into the habit of eating a variety of colourful food before baby arrives makes it less of an effort in those tired, busy days of being a mother. And the better you are able to feed yourself, the better you are able to feed your children as they grow, setting an example and paving a way for a whole future generation that eats well.

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The One Key to Good Health?

Here’s the key to losing weight/getting more energy/feeling amazing. Go low fat. No, go low carb. No, just balance your energy input and output. No, manage your stress. No, fast two days a week. No, declutter and clean out your house. No, just embrace your figure

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