Posts tagged pregnancy
{9.10} Keeping the Family Machine Well-Oiled with Maija Tweeddale, Nutritional Therapist

This week's guest on Raising Healthy Mothers is Maija Tweeddale, a nutritionist helping parents create nutrition and lifestyle habits that stick so they can have the energy and good mood they need for a family life without drama.

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{9.8} How to Make it Work: Managing Exhaustion While Breastfeeding Your Second Child

In this episode I'm talking about managing exhaustion when breastfeeding your second child. I discuss the 3 reasons why it might not be as exhausting as you think; 6 ways to muddle through the exhaustion; why it’s not just about lack of sleep and physical exhaustion'; and how mindful breastfeeding plays a part in managing the exhaustion.

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{9.7} How Becoming a Mother for the Second Time Changed My Business: 100th Episode Special

This week I’m celebrating 100 episodes on Raising Healthy Mothers! And this time I’m in the interviewee chair. My husband interviews me about how I became a nutritional therapist, how things have evolved for me, and most importantly - what my favourite Malaysian food is. This is a fun episode celebrating something I’m super proud of!

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Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols, RD {S5E6}

This week on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm taking a deep dive into Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols, a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and author of two bestselling books, Real Food for Pregnancy and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes.

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Mother-focused Postnatal Care with Arianna Radji Lee of Pachamama {S5E5}

This week on Raising Health Mothers I'm talking to Arianna Radji Lee of Pachamama, a digital platform connecting mums and providing a modern, mother-focused, democratised approach to postnatal care. In the episode we talked about what Pachamama aims to do, how Arianna pivoted to take it entirely online during the pandemic and how the business has changed and developed over the past two years, as well as perinatal mental health and coping as a business owner during pregnancy and motherhood.

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Proper Tea for Mums with Bethan Thomas of HotTea Mama {S4E7}

This week on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm talking about all things tea with the fab Bethan Thomas of HotTea Mama. After moving to China, Bethan fell in love with all things tea and started a lifelong obsession with it, culminating in founding a tea company making functional teas specifically for mums and womanhood.

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The First Three Weeks: Recovering from Birth {S3E1}

Today's episode walks you through the nutrients that will support you recovery in the first 3 weeks after giving birth. These weeks are really important in the healing process and can have a major impact on the whole motherhood journey if they are not taken slowly and gently.

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What is Nutritional Therapy? {S2E12}

Today is the last episode in this season - and the last of 2020! So this episode is all about me. Or more specifically - what I do. Because people are often a little bit confused about what nutritional therapy actually is, so today I talk about what nutritional therapy is and how I work to help mothers nourish themselves so they can get their energy back, focus on having fun again and finally become the mum they always hoped to be.

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What is the Fourth Trimester? {S2E11}

Today I’m talking about the fourth trimester. Most mums have never even heard of it but I think it’s a crucial piece of knowledge that could help put to rest that one thing so many mums say: ‘I wish I had known how hard it would be in the early days.’ Knowing and understanding about the fourth trimester might just help make it a little bit easy, a little less anxious and a little more restful.

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What to Eat to Power Childbirth {S2E9}

In today's episode I'm discussing what to eat during labour. This is probably one of the most neglected areas when it comes to nutrition in motherhood! Few mums receive advice on preparing for labour from a nutrition point of view, and few will think to ask about it. But I think this is a major missing piece of the puzzle of early motherhood.

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Immune Health and Motherhood {S2E7}

In today’s episode I discuss how the immune system changes in motherhood and explore the key ways you can support your immunity through diet and lifestyle. In motherhood, a responsive immune system is needed to ensure good physical, mental and emotional recovery throughout motherhood, especially immediately after giving birth.

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What To Eat in the Second Trimester S2E1

Today I'm talking all about the second trimester. This is usually considered the 'golden months' of your pregnancy - your skin starts glowing due to the extra blood volume near the surface and your hair starts looking at its very best. Hopefully your early days of nausea and sickness are behind you too, and your appetite has returned! I cover growth and development of your baby, common symptoms and how to manage them and what to eat to support your baby’s growth and your nutrient needs.

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How To Find Time for Yourself (aka Self-Care!)

What if we stopped seeing self-care as a special favour to ourselves, but something as necessary as food and sleeping? In this episode I introduce mini me-moments, and explain why I think they could be the game changer for you when it comes to motherhood.

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